Charting developments in international family law


Introduction to the blog

International family law in relation to children and vulnerable adults, in all of its constituent parts, tends to be fast moving. There are a very large number of reported cases and published decisions which tend to build upon a considerable body of existing case law. Keeping up with developments can be difficult.

This blog is intended to do two things.

Firstly, to provide regular case law updates on recently published decisions. With those updates, it is intended to alert practitioners to developments in the law in relation to the international movement of children, or otherwise to draw attention to the application of established legal principles to particular factual scenarios.

Secondly, in less frequent (but it is hoped still regular) blog posts, it is intended to provide summaries of the law in relation to specific areas of international family law. Those summaries may have been prompted by a recent case which has turned the spotlight on to a particular issue. Alternatively, there may have been some other development that deserves more detailed consideration. Typically, the blog posts will have been prepared by the authors of this blog. From time to time, guest writers may provide a different perspective. We aim to host writers that are experts in their particular fields as regularly as they will agree to write for the blog.

New posts will be publicised on Twitter, where the blog posts as ‘The International Family Law Blog’ (@TheInte52952428) -

The authors can be contacted at: - please do get in touch if there are any particular issues that you might like to see covered. It is not possible to dispense particular and/or specific legal advice in relation to any proceedings that are before the courts of England and Wales or elsewhere in the world through this blog, however. Readers are asked to read and consider the disclaimer page in relation to the analysis that is offered.